Chat With Your Cat

Chat With Your Cat

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Vice-chair & volunteer

Cat owners, admit it, you talk to your cats, even creating dialogue prompted by questions you believe they are asking you. (We dog owners do that, too.)

Talking with our pets is a way we bond, show love, and pay attention to what is going on with our furry friends. It is healthy for both animal and human.

Every morning I am greeted by photos of a dear friend’s cat, Penelope. I reply with what I believe Penelope is thinking, what she is saying if she could talk. My friend replies with an appropriate emoji, and we have in a slightly silly way checked in on each other and the pets we so love. It begins our day with a smile.

Ruth Roy and Thomas Roy of took this fun cat chat a step farther by establishing January 22 as “National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.” Yes, it is another pet holiday!

Their intent was in an entertaining way to encourage cat owners to pay attention to their purring friends, learning what their body language and vocalizations mean in order to better understand what they like and do not like and even detect health issues.

Since the creation of this holiday in 2019, many cat lovers and experts have written questions our cats probably are asking and providing answers that owners should know.

Hoping to make you smile, I have selected a few of these questions/answers and composed a cat chat between my friend Mar and her Siamese cat, Sushi. They actually have such conversations.

Sushi: Why do you get so upset when I scratch the sofa? I am just filing my nails and releasing energy.

Mar: You have better places to scratch. Two cat trees and a scratching post.

Sushi: OK, and I do like watching the world from the top of those trees, especially the one by the window. One day I will get one of those birds if you would ever let me go outside, but I hear you. That would be too dangerous.

Sushi: Why can’t I have more milk or lots of whipped cream?

Mar: They are not healthy for you, especially since like many cats, you are lactose intolerant. You could get sick or become so obese that you couldn’t play like you do now or worse, you might not live as long. We love you too much to let those things happen.

Sushi: Wow! I get it, and I do like those treats the vet recommended. You see how I gobble them down.

Sushi: Why do you take so many photos of me?

Mar: Because you are so adorable. I just want to show you off to my family and friends. It makes them happy, and you are a star.

Sushi: I am pretty handsome, aren’t I? And I love that you always bring out my favorite toys and play with me after our photo shoot. I also appreciate you telling all those people to give me space when they come to visit because some of them really stress me out. I will let them know if and when they can pet me.

Now, let’s talk about the dog!

What questions would your cat ask? Have your own chat with your cat, January 22 and everyday. Observe, listen, love and bond.

Note: Pickles, pictured here, is currently available for adoption at Ark-Valley Humane Society.


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