COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Updates
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COVID-19 Updates
Find Pet & Shelter updates here.
Find answers to commonly asked pet care questions.
SEE FAQSContact the shelter at 719-395-2737 to report lost pets.
Fill Out a Lost Pet FormPartner with us as we help the pets of our community.
GET INVOLVEDLearn all about the pet adoption program.
SEE ADOPTION INFOA helpful list of pet resources local to Chaffee County.
VIEW OUR RESOURCESBrowse three activities and events that we have coming up soon, or see our events calendar.
Ark-Valley Humane Society
701 Gregg Drive
PO Box 1335
Buena Vista, CO 81211
Open Monday-Saturday, 12-pm – 5:00pm
Closed on Sundays
AVHS South
1425 E Street
Salida, CO 81201
Police impound facility only – not staffed.