Tag: animal

Jul 2017

Ark-Valley Humane Society is honored to receive the ‘Lifesaving Luminary’ award from nationally recognized animal society, Best Friends Animal Society. Executive Director Jonathan McDonell accepted the award on behalf of the shelter while attending the Best Friend’s National Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey in July. Ark-Valley Humane Society won the award for the Mountain West Region, which includes Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. While presenting the award, Judah Battista, Chief Regional Programs Officer for Best Friends Animal Society, recognized the shelter’s positive changes noting, “Ark-Valley is an......

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Mar 2017

The week of March 20th is National Poison Prevention Week which we feel is a wonderful time to remind you of the common household items that pose danger for your furry family members. Every year, the ASPCA Poison Control Center releases its Top 10 List of toxins pet ingest. According to ASPCApro.org, in 2016 the list was based on 180,639 calls about potential poisonings, and APCC veterinarians tabulated the 10 subjects callers were most often worried about. We would like to share these with you as a reminder to protect your pets......

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Sep 2016
Louisiana Dogs Transferred to AVHS

On Monday, August 29th, Ark-Valley Humane Society welcomed Reggie, Suki, Kirby and Carolyna; four dogs transferred to us from a shelter in Louisiana. As many of you know, Louisiana has been hit hard in the past weeks with terrible floods ruining buildings and crushing homes. This particular shelter made a plea to shelters across the country, asking for help emptying their current cat and dog population to make way for the pets and their families affected by this terrible tragedy. Thanks to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary network, we got word of......

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