Tag: adopt

Mar 2017

Mark your calendars! Join us May 12 through June 12 for an amazing fundraiser graciously hosted by Sellars Project Space in Salida. Beautiful paintings by the extremely talented artist, Sally Mather, will be available. Sally has offered to donate 50% of all proceeds to benefit Ark-Valley Humane Society in building the new shelter. Sally is not only an incredible artist but also a loyal and dedicated volunteer with AVHS. We are so thankful for her passion for animals and dedication to partner with Ark-Valley Humane Society. You are invited to an opening......

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Feb 2017

Love is in the air at AVHS! Stop by, call us, or donate online a $5 Valentine to the shelter dog or cat of your preference so they feel the love this Valentine’s Day! To spice things up a bit, we’ll post the Valentine’s on the shelter’s lobby dog or cat room door and the door with the most Valentine’s on it will win a special treat! So what will it be, Kitty Kisses or Puppy Smooches?...

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Jan 2017

A beautiful 80 pound Alaskan Malamute named Maya entered our doors on December 1st and we all felt there was something special about her but had no idea the reunion that was in store. Like all dogs and cats that enter AVHS, one of the first things we do is scan for a microchip. Through a bit of digging on our end, we found that Maya’s microchip traced back to an organization in Phoenix, AZ – Maya had been initially chipped at our Executive Director’s previous employer, a shelter in Phoenix, Arizona. What......

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