Compassionate Pet Aftercare at AVHS

Compassionate Pet Aftercare at AVHS

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Vice Chair

The joy of pet ownership is boundless. Our furry friends are family. They fill our lives with laughter, meaning and unconditional love. Having to say goodbye to our beloved dogs, cats, and other companion animals is heartbreaking, leaving an emptiness in our homes and our lives. We grieve. We cry. We do not think clearly. We miss their warm greetings, playful antics and comforting snuggles. We ache.

In the midst of this emotion, we also have to plan their aftercare. We want to say goodbye in a loving and respectful way. Many of us choose cremation, and those of us in Chaffee County are fortunate to have the help of the Ark-Valley Humane Society for our heart-wrenching choice.

I remember that August day I brought my miniature schnauzer, Destiny, to the shelter. I could not stop crying nor shaking. They were so gentle with her body, still wrapped in her favorite blanket. They gave me time to say one more goodbye and space to cry, before ever beginning to have me fill out the necessary papers, never rushing me. They treated me and the situation with respect and dignity, patiently listening as I sobbed that she had been my family for over 14 years. They saw how much I was hurting and kindly consoled me. One of the staff even called later that day to check on me.

They lived up to what is described on their website about their pet cremation services.

“Let us help you through this difficult time of aftercare on your pet’s behalf. We will guide you through the process gently and help you make the right decisions for you and your pet. We treat every pet cremation with professionalism and follow a strict code of ethics. With Ark-Valley Humane Society, you can rest assured knowing you and your pet will be taken care of through this difficult time.”

Thank you notes and phone messages from many others show their appreciation of the compassion extended to them and their pets. Here are just two:
“I want to thank you so much for all your help navigating the loss of my sweet dog. Your kind words and hug meant the world to me. Thank you for sharing a piece of your loving.”

“I sincerely thank all of you who helped me on such a difficult day. Many community members like me, may not have family that live locally, and for us our pets are our family. Your staff did an amazing job to make me feel supported through the process. I felt reassured that my precious pet would be well cared for. I also thank all of you for the personal touches when the ashes were returned, including the card that was hand signed by all staff members.”

Some people in the community have commented that the crematorium seems to run often. Sadly, it does because cremation services for our community’s pets have dramatically increased over the past 6 years, as the following numbers show:

2019 – 816 pets cremated
2020 – 925 pets cremated
2021 – 1,158 pets cremated
2022 – 1,181 pets cremated
2023 – 1,169 pets cremated
2024 – 1,267 pets cremated

Not only can a member of the public bring their pet who has recently passed directly to Ark-Valley Humane Society for cremation services, but AVHS also currently partners with veterinary clinics in Chaffee, Lake, Fremont, Alamosa, and Rio Grande counties to complete cremations for those veterinary clinics’ clientele. The cremation process is handled with care and takes time, with typically only one run per day. After the crematorium has run, it has to cool down. Then one pet at a time, it is carefully cleared, processing bone to ashes and packaging those ashes, at the request for of most people, into a cedar urn with lock and key.

Then the crematorium is ready for its next run. It takes 1-2 hours for it to be heated up. Unless a private cremation, only 2-5 pets are cremated at one time, each in their own separate area, and that process can take 1-3 hours, depending on the weight of the animals.

If the pet owner has requested a paw print, the staff gently and lovingly does so. The cremation process is one the AVHS staff handles carefully and professionally and one that tugs at their hearts.

When you drive by the shelter on Gregg Drive and see the crematorium running, remember that the precious pets of those who so loved them are being compassionately helped on to their peaceful physical rest. Their spirit is lifted to the skies and beyond the rainbow where they once again romp and play.

This is just one more way the Ark-Valley Humane Society cares for its community and their beloved pets.



