Oliver and Company

Oliver and Company

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Vice-chair & volunteer

In November, six adorable puppies were transferred to AVHS from Underdog Animal Rescue and Rehab in Moab, Utah. Sadly, they had been abandoned, left on the side of the road in a cardboard box labeled “Free Puppies.” Fortunately, they were found, rescued, and eventually moved to our shelter.

Once here in BV, they needed to be named.

Reminding one of our staff of the kittens abandoned in a similar way in the Disney film Oliver and Company, she suggested they be named for the film’s lead characters. And so Oliver, Dodger, Francie, Georgette, Jenny and Rita came to be.

I happened to be at the shelter shortly after they arrived and watched them happily frolic in a big doggie play pen. One quickly learned how to climb out, and others saw and soon caught on.

They immediately brought joy, laughter and lots of quality cuddles to volunteers and staff and a few days later to the AVHS open house guests who met them.

It is no wonder that their tale has a heartwarming ending.  After being spayed, neutered, microchipped and vaccinated, all were adopted and are now living happy lives in their loving, fur-ever homes.

Not all animal abandonment stories have such happy endings, but this one of “Oliver and Company” does. Because of a community of caring people from Utah to Colorado 6 furry lives were saved and now bring joy to 6 households, making their holidays particularly bright.





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