Cats, the ‘Purrfect’ Pet

Cats, the ‘Purrfect’ Pet

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Vice Chair

I often hear from my cat-loving friends when they believe I have been writing more articles about dogs than cats. They enjoy giving me a playful nudge to remind me that cats are “purrfect” pets.

Granted, I have never owned a cat because all my dogs have needed to be the only pet in my home, but I have had the pleasure to cat-sit for several of my friends, delighting in their cats’ playful antics and being soothed by their purring when nestled on my lap. Those intense feline eyes reach right into my soul and heart.

Cats are terrific pets and for many people, the ideal pet. Kai Lundgren and Robert Segal, M.A. in an article for write, “Owning a cat can be an extremely rewarding relationship. A cat has the ability to both calm your nervous system and provide an immediate outlet for fun and play. Although cats are independent animals who like to scavenge and explore on their own terms, they are also very affectionate with their owners and people they trust. Most cats love to curl up in your lap at the end of a long day while you watch television or read a book. The simplicity of this act can cause an automatic release of all the right kinds of chemicals to your brain, allowing you to ease into the evening without the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

My cat-loving friends and authorities agree that cats can reduce stress and anxiety, which can improve heart health. Cats also boost immunity. Exposure to cat dander and fur builds resistance to allergens, decreasing the risk for allergies and asthma. A study by the National Institutes of Health found that children less than a year old exposed to a cat were less likely to develop allergies, as cited by Tori Holmes, writer for FreshPet.

Cats can be lower maintenance than dogs. Most cats don’t need the same time-intensive training as dogs, and often don’t require the same amount of necessary enrichment and stimulation. Unlike dogs, potty training a cat can be as simple as showing them where the litter box is. They love to groom themselves, although long haired cats may need to be brushed.

They may not require as much of your time and energy because they are independent. They like human attention and to play, but most are quite content entertaining themselves. Give them a few toys, a scratching post which spares your furniture and a cat tower from which to view their world, and many are happy. They value their private time for grooming, exploring and napping.

Many cats do not require as much space as a dog which makes them the perfect pet in apartments, and although some are chatty with their meows, their talk is not as loud as the barking of dogs.

The average cat has a longer lifespan than that of a dog. Any pet owner knows how heart-wrenching it is to lose a pet. Not having to go through that experience as often is a blessing.

Cats are good companions, and can help with loneliness and depression. Many cats will want to be near you, showing they care. Many will want to snuggle in your lap or by your side, melting your heart with love. Cats are purrfect pets. You can find that furry friend to melt your heart at Ark-Valley Humane Society,, (719) 395-2737.




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