Humane Education Column

Apr 2021
Pip, dog of author Judy

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Volunteer It is entertaining to watch cats play.  They stalk, chase, pounce, roll, bat and with graceful agility leap to amazing heights.  They seem to be happily lost in their own natural world of adventure. This activity is fun for us and healthy for our purring family members. Cats are highly intelligent, naturally curious, active creatures.  It is the responsibility of cat owners to provide their “kitties” with ample physical exercise and mental stimulation, joining in at times to strengthen the human – cat bond. A few guidelines......

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Mar 2021
Notes about Rescued Dogs

By: Judy Lore, AVHS Volunteer I chose to begin with a local rescue story. Many of you know that George Blake of Salida enjoyed his 100th birthday on January 29th of this year. Many may not know that George has always had a fondness for boxers. Boxers have a sweet way about them and George has had five dogs as an adult with four Boxers and one Australian Cattle Dog. All of them have been rescues and found a forever home with George. His latest is Shelby who had been returned a......

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Mar 2021
Pip, dog of author Judy

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Volunteer Dogs are mans’ best friends.  Their love is unconditional, their loyalty is unquestionable and their sense of smell is unthinkably rich and amazing. A dog’s sense of smell is so sensitive that when he smells another dog, he can determine that dog’s gender, health, disposition, where the dog has been and what he has eaten. A dog can sniff a tree and know what other animals are in the neighborhood.  Smelling a human’s pant leg can tell him where that person lives and if he has dogs.......

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Mar 2021
Malamute dog in the shelter

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Volunteer We go for a walk and take in our beautiful mountain surroundings.  Our dog focuses on the ground and it’s smells. We get home and smell chili cooking in the slow cooker.  Our dog smells meat, tomatoes, onions, peppers and spices, each separate ingredient. How we humans take in the world through the sense of smell differs greatly from that of our furry friends. The canine nose is far more powerful than ours. Depending on the breed, dogs have up 100 million or more scent receptors in......

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Feb 2021
Three women wearing masks and scrubs standing in the home where the cats are

In early January Ark-Valley Humane Society was called to assist with some animals in dire need in Salida. After a small house fire broke out in a home, first responders noticed that the cats living there were not in great health. 2 deceased cats were found with 9 living. They were in extremely sub-par conditions, many with months of feces still attached to their fur. Three AVHS staff members arrived to help get the cats into a safer place. Unfortunately these cats were extremely under-socialized and fearful (understandably so), but after hours......

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Feb 2021
Two black and white cats cuddled together on a chair

Record pet adoptions was the first surprising trend that came out of the initial stay-at-home orders enacted across the nation last spring as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As many of you remember, for the first time in Ark-Valley Humane Society’s history, every kennel in our shelter building was emptied as cats and dogs found adoptive or foster homes at record rates.  With bated breath, our staff, board, and volunteers wondered if this trend would reverse and shelters, including ours, would eventually begin to fill up with returned animals or newly......

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