Pet of the Week – Heart of the Rockies Radio

Pet of the Week - Heart of the Rockies Radio

Queenie is our Heart of the Rockies Radio News  pet of the week!

When 5 month-old Queenie first arrived at Ark-Valley Humane Society, her name was King. She may have been previously mistaken for a boy as female orange cats are more rare. Only 20% of orange cats are female. This is not the only unique thing about Queenie. Some cats don’t like to be held, but Queenie loves it! She will even cuddle up on your shoulder. Queenie is currently in foster, but if you are interested in meeting her, you can call AVHS at 719-395-2737 or apply at the link below.

PS since she’s our pet of the week, her adoption fees are 50% off until next Wednesday! 
