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Adoption Contract
Adoption Contract
Animal Adoption Contract
Name of Animal You would Like to Adopt. *Please only list one animal per form, if you're unsure call staff first 719-395-2737 before filling out.
Please read the following statements, initialing each paragraph in agreement. If you disagree with or have questions about a statement, please consult with an adoption counselor.
I agree to assume full responsibility for the veterinary care of this animal and will take this animal to the veterinarian for booster vaccinations if needed, as well as routine examinations and immunizations.
I take responsibility for complying with my local municipalities for licensing purposes.
I understand and agree that the actions of animals are unpredictable. I understand that an animal’s behavior may change after it leaves the shelter and accustoms itself to a home or other environment, and that AVHS makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied, as to the temperament, health, behavior, or mental disposition of any animal put up for adoption.
I understand that Ark-Valley Humane Society has made an effort to ensure my pet is in good health, although it is possible that an undetectable illness is present at the time of adoption. Ark-Valley Humane Society strongly recommends that within two (2) weeks of adoption, the adopted pet is seen by a veterinarian for a general health exam. I understand that I will be given a health record for the adopted pet at the time of adoption, which I agree to share with the pet’s veterinarian.
I understand that I have 30 days to exchange this animal for a voucher that will apply the fee at the time of the adoption toward the adoption of another animal. Ark-Valley Humane Society reserves the right to refuse to extend the offer of a voucher
I understand that adopted pets may not be sold or surrendered except to Ark-Valley Humane Society or another “no kill” or “minimal kill” shelter, or to a home well suited to the pet’s needs. If I do rehome my pet, I agree to notify Ark-Valley Humane Society of the change in ownership. My pet may be returned to Ark-Valley Humane Society at any time. If I have owned my pet for more than six months, I may be asked to pay a surrender fee.
Ark-Valley Humane Society reserves the right to perform a home inspection at any time. If Ark-Valley Humane Society demands its return for any reasonable cause, I agree to return this pet to Ark-Valley Humane Society.
I understand that pets may not be adopted for experimental purposes, human consumption, unlawful activities, or for the consumption by another animal. Pets may not be adopted for purposes of being offered as prizes in raffles or drawings. I agree to not cosmetically alter this animal (declawing, cropping ears, docking tails, etc).
I am at least 18-years of age and have the full consent of all adults in the household to proceed with this adoption.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand each statement listed above. I have initialed each statement in full agreement of the terms outlined in this adoption contract. By signing this contract, I acknowledge that I am the intended owner of the pet and have received a copy of the Rabies Prevention Informational Brochure.
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